Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies...
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (2)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (3)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (4)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (5)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (6)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (7)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (8)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (9)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (10)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (11)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (12)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (13)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (14)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (15)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (16)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (17)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (18)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (19)
Collector and District Election Officer Pravin Kumar inspected the polling centers, interim strong rooms, postal ballot help desk and other election-related aspects in various constituencies... (20)